Christopher Coleman
Select title for availability, duration, detailed instrumentation, program note, song texts, technical information , premiere information and audio/video/score excerpts.
The Post-Apocalyptic Blues for wind ensemble and sound effects
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue (versions for orchestra or symphonic band)
The Snake Oil Peddler for symphonic band
A Jazz Funeral for symphonic band
Dark Gardens for wind ensemble
I. Night Creatures
II. Skittering Nightmares
III. Frozen Flowers
IV. November Things
V. Cry Carefully
A Descent into the Maelström for large orchestra
The Ventricle of Memory for string orchestra
Music for a Tranquil Moment for orchestra
Sinfonietta for large orchestra
Silver Flyby for jazz ensemble
Caves of Dunhuang (Triptych III) for erhu, cello, dizi/xiao, clarinet/bass clarinet, yang qin, harpsichord, temple bells, and fixed media
I. madhyamāpratipad (the middle way) for erhu, cello, dizi/xiao, clarinet/bass clarinet, yang qin, harpsichord, and temple bells
II. śūnyatā (emptiness) for fixed media
III. vijñāna-santāna (rebirth) for erhu, cello, dizi/xiao, clarinet/bass clarinet, yang qin, harpsichord, temple bells, and fixed media
"Out of the Depths, I Cry" for tuba and 13 gongs (1 player)
Scampata #3: Fantasia and Bolero for bass trombone and percussion (one player)
Three Haiku for two contrabassists and two percussionists
I. Echoes of the eye
II. Whales bellowing dawn
III. A horsefly murmurs in a temple bell
chrysalis: in memoriam Olivier Messiaen for 11 woodwinds
Lebewohl for 16 brass
Presenting Perfesser P’s Perspicaticious Plumbing Of Pulchritude for bass trombone and piano
Three Fugues and a Dirge for Richard III for woodwind quintet
I. Fugue a4: "Now is the winter of our discontent"
II. Permutation Fugue a5: "The guilty closure of thy walls"
III. Prelude: Distant Fanfares; Double fugue: "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"; Dirge for Richard III
Bitter Wind for trumpet and piano
Politics, Money, Music for brass quintet
Reflections for trombone ensemble (five parts)
Scampata #2 for trumpet, trombone, and piano four-hands
I. Quodlibet
II. Nocturne (Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral)
Scampata #1 for horn and trombone
Coronach for double trombone quartet
Abschiedslied for trombone sextet
Romantic Suite for trombone quartet
A Game of Chants for solo trombone
Threnody for brass ensemble, percussion and piano
Divertimento for Woodwind Trio
I. Prelude
II. Rustic Dance
III. Love Song
IV. Urban Dance
Fanfare for the Celebration of the Dead for trombone ensemble (five parts)
Capriccio for Solo Trombone
I. Jazz Waltz
II. Allemande
III. Capriccio
Fantasy for Trombone Quartet and Tuba
The Winter Mountain for harp
I. First Flurries
II. Soft Snowfall
III. Deep Crevasse With Foxfire
IV. The Frozen Waterfall
V. The Snow-Clad Summit
The Autumnal Mountain for harp
I. The Dawn-Kissed Peak
II. Morning Mist
III. Falling Leaves
IV. Migrating Butterflies
V. Forest Colors
the crystalline architecture of loss for harp
i. molto adagio-agitato-piu mosso-molto adagio
ii. allegro agitato-presto
iii. andante ma molto espressivo-poco adagio-a tempo-adagio-morendo
String Quartet #1
Lament of the Sea Kings for eight contrabasses and echo device
Triptych I for marimba and almglocken (1 player) with fixed media
I. Toccata for marimba and almglocken (1 player)
II. Wooden Rain for fixed media
III. Beyond Reality for marimba and almglocken (1 player) with fixed media
Four Gig Bags for percussion quartet
Crossing Boundaries for percussion quartet
Dreams of a Spirit Seer for percussion quartet
Rite version for percussion and fixed media
Cat Spanking: A Fantasy for Percussion for percussion ensemble (9 players)
the crystalline architecture of loss (arranged for piano solo)
Do Geese See God from Palindromes for Piano
Recognizing the Angel for soprano voice and alto flute
Sing Unto the Lord a New Song for SATB choir
America's Going to the Dickens! for medium voice and piano
I. Congressmen
II. Transcendentalists
III. Ingenuity
The Maidens for solo female voice
since feeling is first for solo male voice and mixed choir
Chinese Baby Asleep for four-part women's chorus
Disappearances for mezzo soprano, clarinet, violin, cello, prepared piano, and percussion
I. Thoughts in a Jewelry Store
II. After Hearing Lucia di Lammermoor
III. The Witness
IV. Focal Point
V. Descent
Four Sonnets of Shakespeare for bass-baritone voice and piano
I. Sonnet 81: Or I shall live your epitaph to make
II. Sonnet 64: When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced
III. Sonnet 60: Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
IV. Sonnet 73: That time of year thou mayst in me behold
Psalm 131 for SATB choir
Lakapati for fixed media
śūnyatā (emptiness) from Caves of Dunhuang for fixed media
among the empty places (Triptych 2) for fixed media
i. distance
ii. greater than
iii. "...the liquid mountains of the sky..."
Wooden Rain for fixed media
More Moro Lasso Loops for fixed media
Moro Lasso Loops for fixed media
a multitude, before creation for fixed media
Rainbows, Halos, Glories for fixed media
Listening to the World for fixed media
My Grandfather's Kalimba for fixed media
Intervention for fixed media
Electronic Essay #2 for tape
Electronic Essay #1 for tape
Finding Joy
September Variations
Prophecies for a New Millennium
Improvisations Approaching the Millennium
In Memoriam John Cage
Newspaper Pieces
More Moro Lasso Loops video by Jamsen Law
Rite (Flamenco Remix) for fixed media and flamenco dancers
Rite for dancers, electronics, and percussion