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Wooden Rain from Triptych I (2014)


available from the composer

duration 8:01


fixed media


Program Note

Wooden Rain, for fixed media, is the second of a collection of three related but independent works called Triptych I.  The music was generated by massively replicating to the millions of times a recording of the first piece, for marimba and almglocken.  That recording metamorphizes into rough granular sounds and eventually vast sweeps of harmony as the process continues.  The piece exists in several mixes, for stereo, 4-channel and 8-channel playback.

Wooden Rain was premiered on the concert Multiple Worlds: the Music of Christopher Coleman, April 19, 2015 at Hong Kong Baptist University's Academic Community Hall.  Triptych I was funded by a grant from the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong.

Christopher Coleman

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